I’ll admit I was sceptical at first, but since he’d been lame for the better part of two months, I thought I may as well give it a try. Two treatments later, I was armed with detailed diagrams so I could monitor his progress. Two more, and he was back in full work and we were back on track!
Being a young horse, Korky’s fond of acting the fool in the paddock, and wouldn’t you know it, he injured his foot just when we were counting down the days to our first dressage competition of the season. He had a few days rest and we travelled to the competition to try the foot out. I could tell after the first test that he was a little uncomfortable so boy, was I glad to see Jocelyn! She went to work and Korky and I enjoyed a very successful afternoon.
In short, I sincerely recommend Jocelyn for anyone considering laser therapy and I have continued to use Laser therapy for injuries of all scales.

Tilly’s hooves started to change appearance round the coronet, getting sore feet and lying down a lot. The hairs on her mane and tail started falling out in handfuls. Her coat was quite hard. About two months later with no mane or tail, her hooves were growing down but had a massive separation.
Jocelyn started treatments on all her feet. After three or four visits we noticed massive growth in her hooves and she was walking a lot better. She now has four wonderful new hooves probably better than before and a new mane and tail.
Many thanks to Jocelyn and Doug for a new friendship, and many hours of patience you both put in while attending Tilly.

He was unable to sit for any length of time and because I do competitive obedience he was unable to do the sit and stay and kept lying down so he could be comfortable. Because he was very good at his stays I suspected something was wrong with him so I called Jocelyn in with her Laser Therapy.
This was so successful he was up and going the very next day and have not had a problem since. I have also had it done for myself with great success. Thanks Jocelyn I highly recommend your Laser Therapy.

Five hours after breaking my nose Jocelyn lasered it and the pain left, the swelling went down by the time she had finished. It still hurt if I touched it but only a numb feeling remained and I never had to use any painkillers. Amazingly there was no bruising.
Months later I had a very sore lower back for several days.
Jocelyn lasered it and it wasn’t until midday the next day I realised the pain had gone and I was fully mobile again.

I have been having treatment from Jocelyn, her scanner went crazy on the first few times, but have been getting less areas to be treated each time since. As time went on with constant improvement to my back region, we ventured onto my wrists.
I can honestly say I was completely blown away, the next few days with the big improvement in them. The swelling completely went away and my tilt back movement started to get better in both wrists, leaving me in a lot more comfort, pain wise, by the end of a day.
This all happened since starting treatment on wrists 3 weeks ago. I am really looking forward to my next treatment to see what comes next. My back has improved as well where I can do so much more work in a day, but I know it will take a few more goes to get those areas all sorted.
I am also feeling really great health wise, the best I have felt for years so I’m giving a big thumbs up for the opportunity, being able to have access to this Laser Treatment and really getting success. I must say that Jocelyn is very professional and treats her clients with a very friendly, happy manner. Thank you Jocelyn.

She started Laser Treatments with Jocelyn and after the first treatment felt a slight improvement with her pain level.
She had seven treatments over a three week period and her pain had completely gone by her last treatment and her Scar tissue was much softer and flexible.

I was told I may not survive the chest operation that had to be done before they could even think about the bypass operation., due to the deterioration of my lungs through taking Asthma medication all my life since a toddler. I started receiving laser treatment, on my next visit to the Cardiologist she was surprised to see how well I looked, my colour and my breathing was better. After examining me she was amazed at the results and asked what I had been doing for such an improvement.
I told her I had been treated with Laser therapy, she was very interested and wanted to know all about it. She told me to keep on being treated with Laser therapy as it was helping me.
This was all put in her report she sent to my family GP. The Thoracic specialist was also amazed at the improvement in my new x-rays on my next visit compared with the previous ones taken 6 months earlier. He also told me to keep on with laser therapy.

He had tried many different treatments over the years with no improvement. He came to me as a last resort to see if Laser Therapy would help. After 8 treatments he had good improvement, his legs were not shaking as much. He had started to cut his medicine down and by the 9th treatment had stopped taking any medicine and was just having Laser Treatment.
The Laser treatment was stopped at this stage and his legs had stopped shaking completely, now 12 months later he still has no shaky leg syndrome.

After 4 treatments I was much improved and now after 8 treatments, function is back to normal.
Really pleased with the result and I would certainly recommend trying Laser Therapy with Jocelyn.

This letter is to tell how much your Laser Treatment has improved my life by relieving the pain in my right foot.
Background: In 1990 I had a rather large motor accident when an elderly man had a Heart Attack and lost control of his car; drove into the Right front and side of my car. This resulted in my right foot being badly damaged.
The local hospital repaired the damage as best they could, but I have ongoing pain in it ever since. The only way I got any relief from the pain was by taking up to 8 Paracetamol tablets daily.
I was introduced to Jocelyn and her Laser Therapy treatment approximately 6 Months ago, in 2017, and since then I have had 8 treatments.
This has resulted in a considerable reduction in pain, being able to move my toes and being able to walk and work for almost “normal” times a day. I put this down entirely to your Laser treatments that you carry out.

This letter serves to advise you of how effective your Laser Treatment have been on several complaints I have had over the last year. Notably, achilles tendon swelling on both right and left heels, tennis elbow and severe pain in my right knee.
Your Laser Treatment has been a tremendous help in relieving the pain in these areas, and pretty much allowing me to get on with my daily life.
I really appreciate your availability and the fact I am able to reduce pain relieving drugs.

I had it lasered by Jocelyn Graham several times until the full cast was put on. The specialist seen it again at 4 weeks to x-ray it and put another cast back on. But on seeing the results of the X-ray he was surprised to see how well it had mended that he never put another cast back on. He told me that I had the cast off two weeks earlier than normal and to be very careful on it.
I had it Lasered by Jocelyn several more times in the next two weeks after seeing the specialist.
This is now 2017 and I have had no problems or soreness from it at all.

I have suffered from Migraines for quite a few years, so I decided to try laser therapy. I had instant relief from my headaches which usually leads to a Migraine.
I have had quite a few months relief from headaches so now when I see her I get her to laser my neck and head. It has been a great relief.
Thank you so much Jocelyn.

I never considered myself to be a stressed person but could not understand why I was feeling like I was. It felt like the pain came each time I ate so I began not to eat much at all. I lost 10 kgs over 3 months.
I began Laser Therapy with Jocelyn and after each trip left feeling much better with the pain subsiding more and more each time.
By the time I had had 6 treatments the pain was gone altogether. Jocelyn’s amazingly caring nature also had a positive effect and I’m sure also went some way towards my recovery.
I have since been back for treatment on a back injury I sustained many years ago but seem to have only needed the one session, noticing a huge improvement afterwards.
Thank you, Jocelyn for all your help. The Laser Therapy had certainly helped me.

Jocelyn told me it would take a while for the treatment to work and it did, just when I was about to give up “bang dada boon” pain free feet.
It’s so lovely to be walking around no pain, and my hands I can brush my teeth without pain, write this letter without pain, open bottles, turn on taps, open doors, eeeha!! Such small every day things were such a mammoth task. Now it’s a walk in the park (without pain).
Jocelyn you’re a star and I just can’t thank you enough.

I tried Laser treatment with Jocelyn Graham, after good recommendation from an acquaintance in Roxburgh.
After the first day, not much happened, but after the next 3 days and 3 more treatments the pain slowly disappeared. This was done about 20 months ago and I have had no problems since.
Now over 10 years later I still have no problems from it.

After five treatments I have had more relief and can walk further without pain in my back and legs, than I have had for ten years of pills from my GP. The many visits to specialists who don’t seem to know what to do to help apart from giving me more pills to take.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Jocelyn’s Laser Therapy to anybody in pain.

We went to the vet and after many X-rays and anti- inflammatory drugs, Abby was still very lame. A friend told me about laser therapy. I gave Jocelyn Graham a call and decided to give it a go.
The first treatment Abby was not to sure about it but she was not as lame the next day. Even the vet asked what I had done as she was a lot better.
The next time I had Abby lasered she lay down on her own accord in front of Jocelyn to be treated and really enjoyed the treatment.
I am very happy to say Abby has been doing agility for the last 3 years and has had places and many clear rounds with no lameness at all. And you can’t tell which leg has been done. The vet was impressed in how she had rehabilitated so well.
Thank you, Jocelyn for all your friendly advice and help, the laser therapy is amazing. Abby has her smile back and agility.

He was confined to a small yard for 3 months, during which time I had Jocelyn give him laser therapy treatment. At his next scan it was found to have healed very well and he is now on the slow road to recovery.
I am convinced that the laser therapy sped up the healing of the ligament, and would recommend you give it a go!

I was also told that it would take 6 to 12 months before I could trek or cavalcade her again. I was willing to try anything which would give her both relief and aid in her healing.
I heard about laser therapy and decided to try it. Jocelyn Graham treated my mare and after the first treatment I noticed my horse was beginning to move a little more.
Three days later I asked Jocelyn to come back for a second treatment. On this occasion Jocelyn scanned her feet and marked the hot spots. My mare continued to improve rapidly so I continued with a further two treatments.
This took place over a 3 week period and on each occasion after scanning her feet we noticed less hot spots. I am pleased to say that after only two months my mare was able to go on a weekend trek riding for approximately 8 hours a day. She remained sound.
I believe her speedy recovery is mainly due to the Laser treatment she received, both my vet and my farrier were stunned by her short recovery period.
I would certainly recommend the Laser Therapy for a positive treatment in helping horses recover from Laminitis/Founder.

Kitty came into the world with a bump, she needed help to be born and she and I ended up on the ground together in a heap. Kitty had a few escapades with Mum but nothing noteworthy.
After weaning I put a cover on her- she had been handled every day, she seemed fine in the stables and walking about, so I turned her loose – and she bolted. Kitty crashed through a gate and an electric fence coming to a halt ½ an hour later. Every day she had her cover on, and every day she bolted – sometimes into gates – or somersaulting over in one instance.
This went on for 5 months. I tried everything, so Jocelyn waved her laser therapy device over Kitty and found over 80 hot spots – Jocelyn said the only one worse than that was a horse that had been in a floating accident.
Kitty has now had 4 treatments and the difference is amazing – we think that she was so sore that when she moved with a cover on – even without leg straps it hurt her so she bolted. I dread to think what would have happened if I had waited until she was broken in.
Kitty now has her cover on and off in the paddock –on calm days without even a headcollar on – we had to retrain her to stop the bolting habit. Now she will hopefully have a future as a competition horse.

After a couple of weeks rest the swelling went down and she seemed fine. I was wrong. Smoke was a young horse and part of her training was to have her “move out”, but she wouldn’t. Her trot was like a shuffle, and her canter was like riding something with square wheels. She was very heavy on the front end and I just couldn’t get her to move properly.
So began a long list of Vets, horse Chiropractors, healers, liniments, rubs, medications etc. A year later I had some success, but the mare still wasn’t moving freely. A friend suggested I try Jocelyn. I admit I was sceptical, but I had tried everything I knew and had nothing to lose.
Jocelyn arrived and began scanning the mare for hot spots. Not surprisingly, there was a large concentration of “spots” on her off hindquarters! Her injury had never healed properly and her whole body was compensating. It was no wonder she couldn’t move. Now after 5 treatments, I have a new horse.
Friends who rode Smoke before treatment couldn’t believe the difference after treatment. We can now carry on with our training. It’s taken a year, but we’re finally moving freely forward.

After treatment by our vet the lameness returned on three or four occasions during the year, with the last instance of lameness being January 2007 – the treatment appeared to only be a temporary solution to what looked like would end in an operation for my dog.
With Tara being passionate about agility and appearing to have a talent for this sport, I looked for an alternative treatment, which would give a permanent solution to her nagging injury. A member of our club suggested that we try Jocelyn Graham and her Laser Therapy treatment for the injury.
After two treatments, (which Tara enjoyed) Tara has had no reoccurrence of lameness and has put her body through some tremendously strenuous situations during her agility competitions – Tara only has one speed and that is flat out! In one instance at a show in Oamaru, Tara jumped over the top of the A frame at a great speed and landed at the bottom without touching anything in between.
On looking back at her I felt sure that that would be the end of her leg and competing career – to my amazement, she carried on as if nothing had happened.
Six months later with numerous agility shows under her belt, Tara is very sound and has showed no signs of lameness since the initial treatment with Jocelyn.